Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Crunching Numbers: NEA Awards

So the NEA just announced a new round of grants, and Stage Directions published it. Let's take a look at the "Access to Excellence" category for Theatre (not including Musical Theatre, which is its own category). Since this category is about "access," I have crunched the numbers to look a geographical distribution, which might have an influence on access. If I get a chance, I'll crunch the numbers according to population tomorrow. (This has not been done very quickly, and has not been proofread.)

A total of $4,368,000 was awarded spread over 156 grants, which has an average of $28,000 per grant. Nice. How does it break down?

The cities of New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles (NYLACHI)
Percentage of US population: 13.6%
Number of grants: 54 (34.6%)
Total amount granted: $1,966,000 (45%)
Average grant amount: $36,407 (130% of overall average)
Median grant amount: $25,500

Everyone else
Percentage of US population: 86.4%
Number of grants: 102 (65.4%)
Total amount granted: $2,402,000 (55%)
Average grant amount: $23,780 (85% of overall average)
Median grant amount: $20,000

By State
New York, Illinois, California
Percentage of US population: 22.5%
Number of grants: 79 (51%)
Total amount granted: $2,473,000 (55.6%)
Average grant amount: $30,900 (110% of overall average)
Median grant amount: $20,000

Other 47 States:
 Percentage of US population: 77.5%
Number of grants: 77 (49%)
Total amount granted: $1,975,000 (44.4%)
Average amount granted: $25,300 (90.3% of overall average)
Median grant amount: $20,000

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