Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Mike Daisey Panel

I know several of the NY bloggers have been participating in the Mike Daisey Sunday Roundtables -- has anybody written about them yet?

I will be part of the June 15th version entitled "Assembling Ensembles," which will also include John Collins and Colleen Werthmann of Elevator Repair Service, Tanya Selvararnam of the Builder's Association, Heidi Schreck from Two-Headed Calf, and freelance director Hal Brooks (Thom Paine and No Child). The roundatble happens after the 7:00 show at the Barrow Theatre at 27 Barrow Street.

I will be in NY from June 15th through the morning of the 18th, and would love to get together with any of my readers and fellow bloggers.

Could Somebody Blog This?

One way that the theatrosphere might serve fellow artists is to send a representative to meetings to blog what happened -- by which I don't really mean interpret and evaluate, but rather provide as objective an account as possible. Coming up June 7th, the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council is hosting a meeting called "Saving Our Cultural Capital."

Saving Our Cultural Capital:
The Challenges Facing Independent Venues and Artists in Manhattan
Saturday, June 7th, 2:00pm – 6:00pm
Wolman Hall, 64 West 11th Street

A symposium hosted by The Tank, Milano The New School For Management and Urban Policy, and Fractured Atlas, in cooperation with Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer

Co-hosted by Collective Unconscious, chashama, The Field and Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts

New York City is a world-renowned cultural destination: from big-budget Broadway shows to dance performances in small Brooklyn lofts to Chelsea gallery openings. The performing arts drive the city's economy and tourism and give New York the cultural texture that makes it a uniquely dynamic environment.

As cost-of-living and real estate prices continue to rise, can young artists and small venues still call Manhattan home? New York – and Manhattan, in particular – cannot lose the energy brought by these individuals and organizations, and the higher-market entertainment industry in the city relies on their innovations…but can we still make New York work for the emerging arts? This event will bring together city officials, arts professionals, business representatives, advocates and freelancers for an afternoon of conversation about solutions to the challenges facing independent venues and emerging artists in Manhattan.

This event is FREE and open to
artists, advocates, policy-makers, foundation representatives
& everyone committed to keeping Manhattan the cultural capital of the world

Anyone able and willing to take this on?

What Needs to Happen to Theater