- Subject matter: middle class suburban life -- check.
- Playwrights
- Brian Yorkey
- graduate of Columbia University -- check;
- provided with conservatory training as a child at KidStage -- check
- Tom Kitt
- graduate of Columbia University -- check;
- provided with conservatory training as a child at Interlochen Summer Music Program for high school students -- check
Right. Now I see.
Update: The Pulitzer Committee overruled the Drama Panel's recommendation. No, let me make that clearer: the Pulitzer Committee "at Columbia University's journalism school, where the prizes are administrated"... You know, Columbia University where Kitt and Yorkey got their degree... Do I smell Denmark?
Update #2: I just about dropped my teeth reading Charles McNulty's condemnation of the Pulitzer committee's overruling of the Drama Panel, when he said:
"I can't help being ticked off. Two points, in particular, rankle: the blinkered New York mentality and the failure to appreciate new directions in playwriting. The board had an opportunity to correct these long-standing shortcomings, and it blew it. In an era in which important new dramatic works rarely get their start in New York, the board's geographical myopia, a vision of the American theater that starts in Times Square and ends just a short taxi ride away is especially disheartening."I'm giving McNulty an Honorary Membership in CRADLE.