Over at Que23, Lucas Krech has written a terrific post about getting employed. He quotes one of his teachers: "You have not been hired in the theatre until you have been hired back."
So here's a question: what are the characteristics of someone you would like to work with more than once? What is their personality like? Work ethic? Work behaviors? Other things?
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I knew this was eventually going to happen. The Director wrote this in my comments: I'm trying to get into grad school to work on my MFA...
In an essay entitled "Defining Racism: Can We Talk?," from her book Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? ...
Recently, we had a discussion in my Theatre of the Oppressed class about the question: what makes theatre "good"? What are the ch...
Taking a stab at this, in order of importance, and more for the sake of the argument than out of the idea that a list like this really means anything:
#1 - loves the work for the work's sake (as opposed to getting famous or proving a point or what have you)
#2 - nice (this trumps just about anything)
#3 - competent (brilliant is great -- competent is essential)
#4 - dependable
#5 - good communicator
#6 - talented
Josh -- Well, remember that I am a college teacher: it helps my students to understand what to expect when they graduate if members of the profession describe what makes a good colleague. Your list is very helpful -- I hope others will chime in as well.
They have to be independant, talented artists who are interested in the common (greater) good. They have to have a distinct sensibility without being narrow in terms of ability. They have to be able to keep tech rehearsals an enjoyable experience.
I agree with all of John's list...especially #2.
And we as artists must remember that we are "hired" and "rehired" because this contract is our JOB. Even though it may be for 10 weeks (sometimes even less) and the money's not great, this is what we've chosen to do as our profession. Sure it's great fun and inspiring and meaningful and self fulfilling, but it IS a job. You wouldn't show up hung over, late, dirty, full of attitude and pawn it off as being "artistic" if you worked in the 9 to 5 world, so do the same for the arts. There are a whole lot of people counting on you for that small ammount of time, many who are expecting us to be self involved asses. Be professional. It's amazing how fast you'll be rehired.
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