Wednesday, March 05, 2008

1000 True Fans

Kevin Kelly writes about the power of "1000 True Fans." While he isn't discussing a theatre tribe specifically, the idea dovetails nicely with the idea of theatre tribes creating an on-going relationship with the audience instead of simply selling to the large unknown mass. His mathematics are interesting...


Anonymous said...

Scott, you beat me to it! I also read the 1000 True Fans post and immediately thought of Theatre Tribe. 1000 true fans (+ exponential growth)=subscription base, or nearly so.

I'm also intrigued by the concept of Fundable, which is almost a Kiva type organization in that projects are put forward and funds requested but not distributed until the total requested amount has been pledged. It's not a perfect solution, but one that seems a relatively painless way to raise money. Certainly worth exploring.

Anonymous said...

Wow - internet worlds collide! One of my other favorite bloggers (aside from YOU, of course) is John Roberts at Kung Fu Monkey.

He also tags the 1000 Fans article.

What Needs to Happen to Theater