Monday, June 11, 2007

Border Crossings

Isaac at Parabasis does an outstanding job synthesizing me and George Hunka into a much more interesting position for the artists than either of us conceptualized, in my opinion. Please go take a look!


parabasis said...

Thanks! I was trying to puzzle through what was attractive (and, frankly un-) about both perspectives, and I think I at least figured it out for myself... hope it's helpful...

Ian Mackenzie said...

Hi Scott,

Off topic question:

How come you use the "re" spelling of "theatre" whereas many of your geo-political contemporaries use the "er" spelling: "theater"?

Is there disagreement in the U.S. as to how this word should be spelled?


Scott Walters said...

Old fashioned, I guess. For me "theater" is the building, and "theatre" is the art form.

Tony Adams said...

Somewhere (I forget where) I read a pretty interesting article about the dual spellings in America. It said that when Webster was working diligently to make the American dictionary and get rid of spellings like colour in the states, most of the famous actors at the time were British so the old spelling wasn't as successfully changed.

What Needs to Happen to Theater