Sunday, February 24, 2008

Zachary Mannheimer in Des Moines

I just received an email from Zachary Mannheimer of Subjective Theatre, who left New York City four months ago to bring his theatre to a different part of the country. He is following three of the values propounded by this blog: decentralization, localization, and a new business model. Here reports in as follows:

Long time no talk. I’ve been busy, as you have been, of course. Been keeping up with your world out there, though.

Wanted to bring this to your attention – you all know why I moved out here – and it’s been about 4 months and things are moving rapidly. There was just a huge article on the project – I was on the cover of Juice (The Village Voice of DSM) and then the Register (The NY Times of DSM – take these comparisons as you will) did the article again on the front page of it’s arts section.

These are things that would never have happened in NYC. In 4 months I’ve compiled more support than in 8 years in NYC. Thought you might find this interesting. Here’s the article:

Also – to check out the whole plan – go to and click on the “More info on The Des Moines Social Club”.

Lastly – I’ve got an essay titled “The Idiot from Iowa” coming out in the NY Theater Review next month. I think you will all find it enjoyable.

Miss you guys – hope to see you all soon!


Devilvet said...

Best of incredibly heroic attempt


Karl Miller said...

As a proud, former Idiot from Iowa, I think this is wonderful. The community in Des Moines is ripe for this kind of project.

I never knew why Des Moines was always the go-to reference to suggest "uncultured hick" ... there is a real progressive culture there ... from its schools to its symphony, to the other equity houses that have been there since my childhood.

This is great news for everyone ...

What Needs to Happen to Theater