I. You have to look up page 123 in the nearest book around you.
II. Look for the fifth sentence.
III. Then post the three sentences that follow that fifth sentence on page 123.
IV. And then tag five people, just like you were tagged.
The book nearest to me is Nonviolent Communication" A Language of Life by Marshall B. Rosenberg, which I a reading for a campus reading group through the Center for Teaching and Learning. The sentences are as follows:
"'No, I wasn't enjoying the conversation; in fact, I was totally bored with it.' At the time, I was surprised to hear his response because he had been the one doing most of the talking! Now I am no longer surprised: I have since discovered that co0nversations that are lifeless for the listener are equally so for the speaker."Yikes! When you write a blog and those are the sentences the universe plucks out for you, it makes you stop and think!
I'm not going to tag anyone else specifically, lest they too suffer my fate. If you decide to do it, tell me in the comment box and I'll add a link to you!
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