Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tribal Theatre Resource Website

Dear Readers -- I don't know if you feel this way, but one of the problems with blogs is that posts get buried in the archives and it is hard to find them. If you arrive late on the scene and want to catch up on certain ideas of a blogger, it can take forever to weave back through every chronological post looking for key words. Sure, you can use the tags, and that helps, but there may be tags associated with a topic that aren't on every post. Anyway...

I've decided to create a Theatre Tribe Resource Page that offers links to the most relevant posts on that topic here at Theatre Ideas. As I continue to add to it, I hope there will also be links to other on-line articles and websites that would be of interest.

I have set it up as a wiki, so if you would like to add something to the wiki, there will be a link that will describe how.

The URL is http://tribaltheatre.pbwiki.com

I hope some of you find this useful!

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